16315: Iraq Tenders - supplying of medicine
End Date: 2025-01-05
16314: مناقصات العراق - تجهيز الادوية
End Date: 2025-01-05
16313: المناقصات العراقية - انتاج وتجميع وتنفيذ منظومات الحماية الكاثودية
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16312: Iraq Tenders - Production & Assembly Of Cathodic Protection System
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16311: Iraq Tenders - Production of Medium & High Voltage Shrinkable Joints
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16310: مناقصات العراق - انتاج توصيلات ربط ونهايات قابلوات الجهد المتوسط والعالي
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16309: مناقصات العراق - انتاج الماء المقطر اللاايوني وماء الراديتر
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16308: Iraq Tenders - Production of Non-lonic Distilled Water
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16307: Iraq Tenders - Production & Assembly Of Low Voltage Circuit Breaker
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity
16306: المناقصات العراقية - انتاج وتجميع قواطع الدورة للجهد الواطئ
End Date: 2025-01-23
Investment opportunity

Investment Opportunities

Pipes And Valves


Special Cleaning Service

Visual And Audio

Technology And Telecom

Housewares And Electrical Devices

Industrial and Supplies

Printing And Office Supplies

Furniture And Decoration

Agriculture And Environment

Training Services

Marketing And Advertisement

Health And Medicine

Specialized Works




Textile And Clothes

Security And Monitoring



Transport And Logistics

Energy And Fuel


Water and Sewage

Roads And Sideways
