16085: مناقصات العراق - انشاء مصنع لإنتاج الزيوت النباتية السائلة
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16084: مناقصات العراق - انشاء خط إنتاج السمنة النباتية
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16083: Iraq Tenders - establish vegetable Ghee production line
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16082: Iraq Tenders - erection of bottled water production factory
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16081: المناقصات العراقية - انشاء مصنع لانتاج المياه المعبئة
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16080: المناقصات العراقية - انشاء مصنع لانتاج الصوابين
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16079: Iraq Tenders - erection of soaps production factory
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16078: Iraq Tenders - erection of dairy production factory
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16077: مناقصات العراق - انشاء مصنع لانتاج الالبان
End Date: 2025-01-15
Investment opportunity
16076: المناقصات العراقية - تورید وتركیب الانارة
End Date: 2024-12-26

Investment Opportunities

Pipes And Valves


Special Cleaning Service

Visual And Audio

Technology And Telecom

Housewares And Electrical Devices

Industrial and Supplies

Printing And Office Supplies

Furniture And Decoration

Agriculture And Environment

Training Services

Marketing And Advertisement

Health And Medicine

Specialized Works




Textile And Clothes

Security And Monitoring



Transport And Logistics

Energy And Fuel


Water and Sewage

Roads And Sideways
